Colin Speedie’s Podcast for Conservation Careers

Colin was recently asked to be interviewed by Dr Nick Askew for the widely celebrated Conservation Careers website. Conservation Careers is the #1 careers advice centre for conservationists, and offers careers guidance to budding and professional conservationists all over the world.

Colin has a wealth of experience having worked in marine conservation for many years, alongside a vast array of scientists, NGO’s, academics & students, government agencies and citizen scientists.

So he was thrilled to be able to chat about transect surveying for basking sharks in the Hebrides, making the most of opportunities to get out on the water and how to keep marine disturbance to a minimum.

Explore the Conservation Careers website for free independent careers advice and training, directly from conservationists. Also take some time to view their extensive listing of jobs in the conservation arena. Or become a Member for access to the Conservation Careers Academy, to ‘make saving the planet your day job’!